Lessons For Life: Responsibility, Respect,
Campaign for Standards for Conduct and Achievement
The St. Thomas-St. John Federation of Teachers urges
the Board of Education and the Virgin Islands Government to adopt a Bill of Rights and
Responsibilites for Learning, which sets out broad principles for conduct and academic
achievement. Our campaign seeks to work cooperatively with parents, schools, and other
public officials to focus on
high standards for conduct and student achievement-education reforms with a proven track
record instead of dubious alternatives.
The Bill of Rights and Responsibilities for Learning recognizes that discipline is a
prerequisite to academic achievement. It declares that all students and school staff have
a right to safe, orderly, and drug-free schools and that codes of discipline should
include consequences that are enforced consistently and fairly. THe BILL also states that alternative
educational placements should be established for violent and chronically
disruptive students.
All students and school staff have a right
to schools that are safe, orderly and drug free
All students and school staff have a right
to learn and work in school districts and schools that have clear discipline codes
with fair and consistently enforced consequences for misbehavior.
All students and school staff have a right
to learn and work in school districts that
have alternative educational placements for violent or chronically disruptive students.
All students and school staff have a right
to be treated with courtesy and respect.
All students and school staff have a right
to learn and work in school districts,
schools and classrooms that have clearly stated and rigorous academic standards.
All students and school staff have a right
to learn and work in well-equipped schools that have the instructional materials needed to
carry out a rigorous academic
All students and school staff have a right
to learn and work in schools in which
teachers know their subject matter and how to teach it.
All students and school staff have a right
to learn and work in school school districts, schools and classrooms in which high grades
stand for high achievement and promotion is earned.
All students and school staff have a right
to learn and work in school districts and
schools in which getting a high school diploma means having the knowledge and skills
essential for college or a good job.
All students and school staff have a right
to be supported by parents, the community, public officials and business in their efforts
to uphold high standards of conduct and achievement.
-Mr. Oswin Sewer, 1st Vice President